Thursday, April 30, 2009

Power - Vision - MMI

I was challenged today: My dreams aren't big enough. Dreaming and envisioning the future is something I really enjoy doing. I'm a builder. I love to take an idea and run with it… create something out of it… and turn it over to others to take to the next level. I like to think of myself as somewhat of an idea guy. You know, the guy who comes up with a ton of lame ideas most of the time, and some of the time actually hits on something that has some possible potential. But today, I was stretched. I was talking to a friend who is on a church team that is doing some really cool things. You are probably using some of their tools in your ministry, and you might not even know it. I was impacted by the enormity of his ideas. These ideas will not just affect the church he serves, but other churches in his community, state, the nation; and literally the world. This is big stuff. And it's not just one idea that his team is working on; but a handful of significant projects, many of which will very likely change the way you and I do ministry in the future. The potential Kingdom impact will be long term and exponential. If these ideas take hold, they have the potential to win literally thousands of new believers worldwide. I walked away thinking… snap… my dreams are too small!
That’s the problem… my dreams are Todd-sized, rather than God-sized. You’d think I’d learn my lesson by now. God can do immeasurably more than I can ever imagine. And I need to revisit some of my ideas with a whole new perspective… a perspective that allows God to broaden the horizon that Todd thought he had down cold.
What are you dreaming about? Is it a you-sized dream or a God-sized dream? If you’re hoping to impact 50 people, then why not 500? Are you dreaming of things that only God can do, or simply attempting things that you can organize and pull off with your own ability?
Maybe you should join me this morning and re-think your strategy! Let me know what your new dream is! You can email me at
Have a GREAT Monday!
Todd Rhoades -- Editor / Publisher

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